Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Social studies lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social studies lesson - Essay Example To maintain the pluralistic nature of America’s society, each participant in this society should be appreciative of one’s ethnic and background while being tolerant to others. To promote appreciation of one’s ethnicity and appreciate other people’s origin, a month dedicated to commemorating a certain ethnicity shall be held which in this case is the Black History Month. Participating students in this activity will benefit in terms of knowing their own history in the case of Afro-Americans. Other students of different racial origin will also benefit from the commemoration of the Black History month as the event will also serve as a learning exercise for them about America’s past and the Black American’s struggle. In the process, it is expected that students of other racial origin will become more tolerant and accepting of each others’ racial background given the understanding of other student’s racial struggle. America is already an egalitarian society where discrimination no longer or barely exists. Racism is already not tolerated and everybody now can freely pursue whatever their aspirations are. But this freedom seems to be taken for granted. It is hoped that after this lesson plan has been delivered, the black community in the class will become more appreciative of what they have right now given the struggles their forebears had to undergo just to give them the opportunities that they now enjoy and make the most out of it. This lesson plan shall be done in succession where activities are planned in bits for the students to absorb the essence of Black History Month better. While there are lectures and video presentation, discussion and sharing of experiences and point of views are also integrated into the lesson plan to make the learning process more interactive. The games and contests designed for the Black History month are intended to be enjoyable to facilitate easier learning in an atmosphere of fun and socialization. In the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

HS630 Week 8 Conference Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HS630 Week 8 Conference - Essay Example Likewise, the Catastrophic Incident Annex also clearly indicated the Federal Response procedures, in conjunction with responsibilities of coordinating and cooperating agencies that could be contacted by the public to facilitate response, as required. Another chosen annex, the Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex (NRIA), is likewise found to be useful since it contained concise, yet in-depth information on roles and responsibilities of federal agencies with various cooperating agencies; and the procedural guidelines on â€Å"notification, coordination, and leadership of Federal activities† (National Response Framework, 2008, p. 1). As such, the viewing public’s awareness would be enhanced on policies, planning and preparedness issues, and even the materials and facilities involved with corresponding coordinating agencies for specifically identified incidents. The NRIA is a significant informative document that highlights critical areas and the response procedures, together with the authorized governing agencies to contact â€Å"for incidents involving release of radioactive materials to address the consequences of the event† (National Response Framework, 2008, p. 1). As such, the public would be guided through the appropriate courses of action and measures that must be instituted in cases where incidents such as this happen. 2. CPG 101 provides Content Guides for functional annexes in Appendix C, pp. C-12 through C-27. From the checklist for ESF #3 Public Works and Engineering Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource Restoration, pick 1 item and write it up as if you were a municipal emergency planner. One of the items noted from the ESF #3 Public Works and Engineering Incident Actions include â€Å"Providing coordination and technical assistance (to include vessel removal, significant marine debris removal, and hydrographic survey) to effect the rapid recovery and reconstitution of critical waterways, channels, and