Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Prosperos Illusion of Justice - 1221 Words

Prospero’s Illusion of Justice Justice means conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness and in the play The Tempest by William Shakespeare tells a fairly straight forward story involving an unjust act; he was banished by his brother Antonio, he is on a quest to re-establish justice by restoring himself to power. However, Prospero’s idea of justice seems extremely one-sided and mainly involves what is good for him; the idea represents the view of one character that controls the fate of all the other characters. Nevertheless he presents himself as a victim of injustice working to right the wrongs that have been done to him. His idea of justice and injustice is somewhat hypocritical, despite the fact that he is†¦show more content†¦Prospero’s arrangement is to obtain justice with the knowledge of books and manipulate everyone with the magic he holds. He still has many more missions for Ariel in order for his to re-gain his dukedom. B esides, without Ariel, Prospero would not be able to acquire the justice he is trying to get a hold of, but Ariel did land the King’s son by himself sad because he knows not that his father is still alive (1.2.262). Walking about comes the prince of Naples, Ferdinand, distressed about his father. Ariel, invisible, singing and dancing was a way to get Ferdinand’s attention. As the singing goes on he follows and it leads up to were Prospero and Miranda are. So he thanks Ariel for guiding Ferdinand and repeats that he will set him/her free. Prospero sees potential in getting justice by making sure that Ferdinand and Miranda fall in love with one another; in fact Ferdinand says to Miranda, â€Å"And your affection not gone forth, I’ll make you the Queen of Naples† (1.2.539-540), but Prospero over-hearing this he plays the role as if he does not want them to be. He says to Ariel on the side â€Å"But this swift business, I must uneasy make, lest too lost winning Make the prize light† (1.2.542-545), when in fact he can’t wait for them to marry so he can have power once again. Ferdinand and Miranda fall very much for each other and as part of Prospero’s plan he makes Ferdinand carry out some labor work because he believes that Ferdinand is a traitor. As some time goes by ProsperoShow MoreRelatedInjustice for Justice: an Analysis on Equity in the the Tempest1440 Words   |  6 PagesJustice is the pursuit of righteousness and moral good standing within an individual or a group. Shakespeare, however, gives new perspective to this idea of justice in his work, The Tempest. Shakespeare critiques justice and portrays it in way in which justice is defined as the rule of the majority, and governed by the person with most power. Through the actions of the main character, Prospero; this new viewpoint of both justice and mercy emerges. 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