Friday, April 17, 2020

Suffering and joy Review Essay Example

Suffering and joy Review Paper Essay on Suffering and joy It happened to me in 14 years, when I first picked up Suffering and joy. From reading the first pages of this book, my spirit left me for a while. Now I, along with Michelangelo, the morning wakes his whistle Granacci. We are together, I and Michelangelo, dawn to go to Ghirlandaio, to learn to paint. Sometimes, when imagination lets me fly, I see myself, sitting alone on a wooden cold floor in the classroom. Around me spread jars with watercolor and gouache, paintbrushes in a cup, the water in the glass carafe Through the door came the cries, running, happy childrens laughter. After a few days of the New Year bedraggled gouache fingers, stick naughty sheet of paper on which I want to portray the frozen moment, the end of the old and the new year. But, having opened the book, I like using Time Machine am in a different place in the Garden of San Marco Lorenzo the Magnificent, holding three fingers ember, we Michelangelo paint fragments of legs, arms, persons from different angles and positions Bertoldo grumbling goes from one student to another, he teaches. Clay, white, gray yellow, extracted with great difficulty. We take it in hand and sculpt model We will write a custom essay sample on Suffering and joy Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Suffering and joy Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Suffering and joy Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At the moment I return now Oh! Again clay! In order to make it fit for work, it takes a long time to stir the fingers hurt Very cold hands, fingers are white and do not listen to such nonsense but its we do today zverushek model. I had already come up with someone I do. Your cat Masha But here I am at home, opening the Suffering and Joy again plunge into reading. Irving Stone wrote a book about the great painter and sculptor of the Renaissance Michelangelo Buonarroti. The author creates not only a fascinating portrait of a great artist and sculptor, but also perfectly describes the beneficial time of the Renaissance, so generous to strong, richly gifted person. The nature of Michelangelo will give greater representation of string from his diary Nothing causes excruciating pain as enforced idleness I like taken roslel with Michelangelo, with me doing Politsiono, Pico della Mirandola, Ficino, I met with the greatest architects of that era: Botticelli, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Vasari, Bramante Together we dreamed with him about the giant accomplishments of monumental projects dreamed carve hundreds of thousands of sculptures, painting pictures. Together with the great artists, I experienced all the storms of life, throes of creation. We were both tortured by doubts and anxieties, we shared with each other the suffering endured pain, pleasure and ecstasy from work received also together. I felt in my hands the hammer weight, with the help of the cutter removed from the snow-white marble blocks of the biblical David David who defeated Goliath. And how full of historical events was the life of the artist, as he survived wars, political, religious, and other kind of shock, together with his beloved Italy. Michelangelo lived nearly ninety years, of which more than seventy years given to sculpture, painting, architecture. He did, in spite of the obstacles, sometimes against their own convictions, but he could not work. He only regretted that he has only two hands, in the day in just 24 hours. Four years later he painted the Sistine Chapel, about seventeen years of his life spent on the Last Judgment » The rights there was Degas, when he said that talent is doing whatever he wants, and genius only that can . Well, Michelangelo did what he could and could he himself on this occasion wrote the following verses:! and the highest genius not add a single thought to the fact that the marble itself Tait in abundance and only this to us Hand obedient to reason, will reveal at the end of I want to say that it was not a true translation of the title Suffering and joy does not give such an emotionally of the charge as the authors name Agony and ecstasy » (other books about Michelangelo, of which I know. The Diary of Michelangelo Furious Rolondo Kristofelli, Michelangelo DM Merezhkovsky, Michelangelo P . Rolland)

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